Colette Voigt
Colette has a wealth of experience in education gained whilst being a Director of one of the largest educational institutions in SA, the Damelin Education Group. Colette established the Damelin School of Travel & Tourism and thereafter the Damelin Equestrian Academy which she purchased as a Damelin franchise. Independence took over and Colette closed the Damelin Equestrian Academy, and the Equestrian Training Institute was born. Colette’s passion for adventure and travel was fuelled from her younger days of travelling the world as a Travel Agent and she jumped at the opportunity to work for World Challenge Expeditions successfully taking many South African schools on adventure expeditions over a 6-year period.
Casey Edeling
Casey with her formidable sales and customer support experience ensures the level of service delivered to all our clients is second to none. Casey has an extensive background with horses and has competed from an early age. Casey’s passion for horses and her need to assist others on their equine journey started with her enrolment as at ETI student and ended with her being part of the ETI team. Her sense of adventure has directed her personal adventurous journey to many international and local destinations and an incredible assortment of adventurous activities, this led her to join World Challenge Expeditions as part of the sales and customer support team. Casey adds fun and adventure wherever she goes.